Thursday, January 26, 2012

Do you think you could beat Sarah Palin in a game of Nintendo Jeopardy!?

I do. Do you think you could beat Sarah Palin in a game of Nintendo Jeopardy!?
My ten year old niece could. But she's pretty smart.

Jules: Oooh, defensive, aren't we? Scared because your candidates suck?
Dont know can't judge her smarts by what i see on tv. LMAO i beat her in a second grade spelling bee.Do you think you could beat Sarah Palin in a game of Nintendo Jeopardy!?
I can beat her in tic tac toe with my eyes closed.
My little niece could beat Palin.Do you think you could beat Sarah Palin in a game of Nintendo Jeopardy!?
Y'know... as sick as I am of Democrats and their smearing... this question just cracked me up. Kudos.
what is ... YES!
I'm guessing even my son could.
A drunken Brett Butler beat Phi Beta Kappa member and Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin on "Jeopardy". What's your point?
Not if the category is Moose Hunting or Hunting Weapons...

But seriously:

I don't think she's a stupid woman. I think she comes from a culture that is different from that of some Americans, and she holds views that aren't shared by all Americans.

I don't agree with many of her views.

But I don't think she's stupid, not by a long shot.

If you look at some of the video of her as governor, you see a sharp, savvy, energetic person who is decisive. She's still a bit out of her element on the national stage, but she's not stupid.
Because that's all you lazy libs do all day, eat, sleep and play video games.

So no, no one with a career and a life should challenge you to nintendo.

You mean you haven't stolen a Wii system yet? Wow, you have been lazy.

So, I guess coral is another waste of flesh sitting at home getting fat and playing video games?
Probably not, maybe if more people would read more, instead of playing nintendo, they wouldn't ask such a non-intelligent question.
Nintedo is still around? Funny stuff!

2 points
very much! shes dumb as ...

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