Monday, January 23, 2012

Additional help with HTML coding for a Jeopardy game?

I am working on a Jeopardy game for work. My main issue has been making sure that the dollar amounts from the gameboard disappear once they have been clicked on. Someone was nice enough to give me this code to use:

a:visited {

display: none;


This works great for making the dollar amount disappear. However, it also prevents the dollar amount link from showing up again unless I clean my computer's history and cookies. I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions? The dollar amounts are actually links to each category (a separate page pops up with the clue).Additional help with HTML coding for a Jeopardy game?

%26lt;a href="#" onclick="this.className='hid'"%26gt;$100%26lt;/a%26gt;Additional help with HTML coding for a Jeopardy game?
You need programming code to do what you want. You can't write a game in pure html. (At least Javascript, but I'd recommend php on the server as the main program.) You'll also want a database to hold the questions and answers, and maybe the scores, and you can't do that without server-side program code.

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