Saturday, January 14, 2012

Questions about American Revolution for jeopardy game?

I need 8 questions about the American Revolution that I can use for a jeopardy game. Please provide an answer for your suggestion and the questions can be easy or difficult.

Thanks :)Questions about American Revolution for jeopardy game?
1. Who was the British sovereign during the US Revolutionary War and the War of 1812? King George III.

2. What was the actual tax rate imposed by the British Parliament in the Tea Act of 1773? 3%.

3. Name one of the two people who actually delivered the message spoken of in the poem 'The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere' by Helen F. Moore? William Dawes or Samuel Prescott.

4. Who was the first to sign the US Declaration of Independence, and on what date? John Hancock; July 4, 1776.

5. What date did the majority of delegates sign the Declaration of Independence? August 2, 1776.

6. The famous Emmanuel Leutze painting titled 'Washington Crossing the Delaware' on Christmas night 1776 now depicted on the New Jersey state quarter dollar shows the troops entering New Jersey. What country did the enemy soldiers hail from that Washington's troops defeated the next day near Trenton? Germany.

7. Who was George Washington's most famous aide-de-campe? Alexander Hamilton.

8. In what year did the US Revolutionary war end? 1783.

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