Saturday, February 18, 2012

I need to do an activity about adoption for my sociology class?

I need to do an activity about adoption for my sociology class and I have absolutely no idea what to do. We can't do a jeopardy or any game show thing. I am so idealess. Thanks For The Help :DI need to do an activity about adoption for my sociology class?
First ask everyone in your class to raise their hands if they think adoption is a "good thing". Count hands.

Next, ask your class who *wishes* they had been given up to adoption. Count hands.

Calculate the massive percentage drop between the two questions.

Discussion questions:

If adoption is "good" then why don't people want to partake in it like other "good" things such as a chocolate bar or a Hawaiian vacation?

Most humans believe that "family" is the most important thing we have, so why would anyone encourage the dismantling of family through adoption? Should more be done to keep families together?

If some believe that family is replaceable, ask if it would be okay to mix up the babies in a hospital nursery, and send couples home with another family's child. Is this "good"? Why or why not?

Good luck!I need to do an activity about adoption for my sociology class?
Continuing what Sunny said: See if one or more of them has children. Then ask that person how many children they have and their ages. Then ask them to choose which child they want to give up for adoption and never see again, knowing that the child likely feels rejected and angry and abandoned (because people do NOT give away those they love).

If they don't have children, ask them to choose which sibling or parent they want to lose to adoption, forever.

"If adoption is that wonderful, which one of YOUR children do you want to give away?"I need to do an activity about adoption for my sociology class?
I don't know what your assignment is, but how about video taped interviews of women from the younger generation and the older generation to show different attitudes, if any? You could also try interviewing men and women to show gender differences in attitudes.

Just a thought.
Adding to Sunny's answer ask how many could surrender a child then ask why those who think adoption is good why they couldn't surrender a child.

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