Thursday, February 9, 2012

Monotheistic questions for Jeopardy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Hello. I am going to make an "interfaith" jeopardy game that incorporates all the three monotheistic religions I need 6 categories and I only have 3( Islam 101, Judaism 101, and Christianity 101). Can you help me with three other categories.

ALSO I need about 10 questions from jews only. I can make them up but they would be according to my faith. Thanks!Monotheistic questions for Jeopardy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

* Which Holy Book? (you can quote a verse from Quran, Bible, Tanakh or Mishnah and ask which it came from)

* Historic Dates or Religion in History (commonly-known history is good for everyone - like, what century was Mohammad born, when was the second temple of Jerusalem destroyed, what Muslim group invaded Spain, etc.)

* Holy Sites

* The Holy Land Then and Now

* Life of a Shepherd or Life of a Nomad

* Other Semitic Languages (questions about Semitic languages except Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic)

Craziest BeliefMonotheistic questions for Jeopardy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
How about Buddhism, Hinduism, and Baha'i.

The problem with all that is there are different versions of islam, different sects of Christianity, etc. and they don't necessarily believe the same things.
You can add Zoroastrianism as a category; it was a monotheistic religion long before Judaism began (if you don't mind adding a fourth faith to your game). And you could add Old Testament, New Testament, Apocrypha, Talmud, Koran, as categories as well.Monotheistic questions for Jeopardy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I agree with "cheveldi" as there are different sects of Islam, Christianity and even Judaism.

Artorius is right that Zoroastrianism is a monotheistic religion, but it was not before Judaism as, Judaism's progenitor was Abraham while Zoroaster the founder of Zoroastrianism was there at the time of King Solomon.
You can try Baha'i 101, Zoroastrianism 101, a Which Religion? Category, Name in Hebrew/Arabic/Aramaic/Greek/Latin Category, What do they have in common Category (for example: Islam and Christianity believe that this man was the Messiah).

Since I'm a Jew, here are a few:

1. According to Judaism, this is when the Sabbath (Shabbat) starts. (Friday night at sundown)

2. In Hebrew, the name of this holiday is Pesakh. It is celebrated with a special ordered meal called a Seder (Passover).

3. Traditionally, if girls are to get one of these, it is when they turn twelve. Today, more synagogues than not allow girls to get this ceremony at the age of thirteen, when their male counterparts get their equivalent. (Bat Mitzvah - do not accept Bar Mitzvah).

4. The Hebrew name for one of the 5 books of Moses is B'reshit (Buh-Ray-Sheet, with emphasis on sheet). It translates to "In the Beginning...". Based on that, which book is this? (Genesis)

5. The name Israel is derived from this man, who wrestled with an angel and is one of the three patriarchs in Judaism, and tricked his father by assuming his twin's identity (Jacob).

6. This "Day of Atonement" begins at night, with the Kol Nidrei service, which means all vows. It is the holiest day for Jews, where they do not eat. (Yom Kippur).

7. In Prague, it is believed that one of these was created by a Rabbi using the Kabballah. These things, creatures made of clay by man, have the word Emet written on their foreheads, meaning truth. Erasing the first letter creates Met, or death, which is appropriate since these things are unmade when that happens. What is this creature. (Golem)

8. In Judaism, this angel never fell; however, he is still the "adversary" to man. He makes a point to comment on all of man's wrongdoings, and even challenges G-d by testing Job's piety. Who is this "angel", whose name in Hebrew literally means "adversary" (Satan).

9. This queen lends her pseudonym to the title of the Megilla, or scroll, named for her. She marries a Persian after his previous wife dissatisfied him, hiding her heritage and her real name, Hadassah. Who is this heorine of the Jewish holiday of Purim. (Esther).

10. This figure, who had a certain group named after him, received a blessing from his father comparing him to a wolf. He was his father's last born, and his mother wanted to name him "Son of My Pain". He was not named this, but his name does have the Hebrew word for son in it. Who is this man, the full brother to Judah, believed to be Joseph's favorite brother, and has his tomb supposedly in the Israeli city of Kfar Saba. (Benjamin)
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