Thursday, February 2, 2012

JW's and non-JW's alike: Was the NWT really in the Game Show Jeopardy?

I remember a number of years ago, when I was having a Bible study, the elder studying with me told me that on Jeopardy, the New World Translation was called the most accurate Bible. I just remembered this, but haven't found any proof of this.

Did this really happen or is it just fable?JW's and non-JW's alike: Was the NWT really in the Game Show Jeopardy?
As JOYfilled has pointed out, this is a terrible lie that Jehovah's Witnesses started years ago. Please go to the link she provided, where you will find links to PROOF that this question was NEVER asked on Jeopardy.

The Jeopardy board reads as follows:

"The only two games with clues having to do with Bible translations are these:

#5042, aired 2006-07-11 OLD AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In 1663 John Eliot's translation of this, both the old %26amp; new parts, appeared in Algonquin

#2959, aired 1997-06-12 RELIGION $100: The first translation of this book printed in America was John Eliot's 1661-63 Algonquian one."

Jehovah's Witnesses, you are all deceived -- not only by the WBTS, but by the MIStranslators of the NWT, who never studied Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic or Koine Greek. Are you willing to bet where you spend eternity on a group of men who choose to remain nameless instead of revealing they couldn't speak, write or translate a simple Hebrew sentence?

EDIT: Bambi, isn't false witness a sin?
Bambi, you were obviously NOT watching the game show 'Jeopardy!' with Alex Trebek. Since I've proven from the official Jeopardy site that you're lying, I suggest you "put your money where your mouth is" and prove to me that what you've written is true. Until you do, you've given false witness.

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JW's and non-JW's alike: Was the NWT really in the Game Show Jeopardy?
Suzanne, Achtung commented on your q that by doing a search on "NWT Jeopardy ..." But we both know that starting the search with something other than Jeopardy skews the search results.

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Thought you would find this very interesting. Recently on Jeopardy one of the questions was...

"What is the most accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures?"

No one got the correct answer, so Alex Trebek said, "New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, printed by Watchtower Bible Tract Society."


Author: Jason David BeDuhn is the Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. He holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Illinois, an M.T.S. in New Testament and Christian Origins form Harvard Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in Comparative Study of Religions form Indiana University, Bloomington.

The Nine English Translations Compared in BeDuhn's book are:

- The King James Version (KJV)

- The Amplified Bible (AB)

- The Living Bible (LB)

- The New American Bible (NAB)

- The New American Standard Bible (NASB)

- The New International Version (NIV)

- The New World Translation (NW)

- The (New) Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

- Today's English Version (TEV)

JW's and non-JW's alike: Was the NWT really in the Game Show Jeopardy?
No, it seems remarkably unlikely that the producers of the television game show "Jeopardy!" would have involved themselves in the controversy concerning which Bible translation is the most accurate. Despite its stilted phraseology, the near-ubiquitous, centuries-old "King James" version has long been used by "Jeopardy" patently BECAUSE the show intends to avoid controversy.

This rumor probably originated honestly, but carelessly. For their own use, a private group created a set of questions which were presented and answered in "Jeopardy" fashion at an event with no actual connection to the well-known show. The graphics had such a professional appearance that they were soon emailed and re-emailed all over the world, eventually to those who had no idea of the email's origin and true nature. Sadly, it seems that assumptions were made, repeated, and then repeated with unfounded certainty.

This answerer has answered over ten thousand questions, largely in defense of Jehovah's Witnesses but always in defense of truth. This answerer does not believe the rumor to have truth or even the reasonable expectation of truth.. ..
With the question phrased as it is the answer has to be none. The original texts have not been found anywhere. You need to look at which translation is based on the MOST ANCIENT manuscripts available. Then you have to consider how authentic and reliable these manuscripts are and also how accurate is the translation and whether the translation leans towards conveying the meaning or just translating the text word for word.


by borasalama
I am a strong supporter of the New World Translation.

But to be referred to as "the most accurate Bible" is subjective, even for Bible scholars. And although a scholar may have good reason to feel this way, there will be others for what they consider equally good reasons to hold another translation to be "most accurate".

The subjective nature of the question would probably preclude it from having that honor as a question or answer on Jeopardy. If there were a question that asked what translation a particular scholar held as the most accurate, that would be different.

What I do know is that there used to be an online game called Theocratic Jeopardy and that was one of the questions and answers. What or who led to the development of the game, I honestly do not know.

This information may give you a place to begin your search.

But be assured that there are Bible scholars who DO believe that the New World Translation IS the most accurate, whether that was on Jeopardy or not.
Urban legend - from all research. Trebec is game show host. The answer would be opinion and subjective in the strictest interpretation. An error in the least.

"What is the most accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures?" is not how Jeopardy works.

I am interested in what category a question would be in that is not phrased as an answer? Is there a video of this? Put it up on Google or Youtube.
Yes, it really was.

I saw that airing; my husband., not a Witness,

was shocked to hear the question.

Answer: Most accurate translation of the Bible.

Question: The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

It aired last year, before May 07.

It's even possible, it was at the end of the previous year, 06.

(I kinda lost track of time last year, after my brother was killed)

I was (literally) jumping for JOY!!


Clapping my hands and all;

you'd of thought my favorite football team just won the Superbowl! ;~P



Hey Suzanne,

I said "I saw, the show"

I saw, heard, and watched the entire show

with my own true eyes.

How is that giving a false witness?

And, yes, I am bothered; because you are insulting, rude and ignorant.
To my knowledge it is not true but if you google New World Translation, there are some experts not affiliated with us that agree it is the most accurate. But remember, most of the common translations have the truth also. You just have to look harder and compare. A good way to do this is go to This site has several of the most popular translations and some in foreign languages. Many of us Witnesses that have been in the truth for many, many years used the King James Version when we started studying. If a person is sincerely trying to find the truth, Jehovah will help them no matter what translation is used.
Yes it really happened but you have to remember that they were just quoting a survey. It's nice for JW's to hear that the NWT is perceived as accurate, but really what matters is what people do after they read the Bible.
I have no idea, but I can say that Achtung_Heiss is probably correct. I have read his responses on mine and other folks' questions and he always gives a researched and honest answer.
whew, I thought you meant "North West Territories"

Man, you threw me for a loop, because your question made absolutely no sense without the detail.
It was a rumor. I haven't found out if was true or not.
HOW CAN A NEW WORLD WIDE TESTAMENT BE AN ACCURATE COPY ( A COPY IS STILL THAT NOT ORIGINAL) WHEN THE JW CAME TO BE IN Jehovah's Witnesses are members of a restorationist[1],millenialist[2], Christian denomination. The religion emerged from the Bible Student Movement, founded in the late 19th century by Charles Taze Russell.\…

New World Translation is not the Accurate Translation of the Bible when they are just in infanancy in their BELIEFS?




Deuteronomy 12:32 "Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do;

King James Bible ... 4:2 "You shall not add to the word which ... Proverbs 30:6 Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar. ...


The Tanak…


Although there is a talk that Bible was in Aramaic too .lNONE FULL TEXT IS FOUND

Re Jeapoardy Show

WHO Called teh New World Translation the most Accurate Bible?

andother JW?

Here is a link re Discussion of translations of Bible . Intteresting


I will stick with my Ancient Language Bible/ Of Hebrew ./ Greek

of which 6000 scripture writinngs found ( and exhibited in London, Israel, Egypt, Middle East, in muserums) Proof Not Fiction.

Dear Follower of Alpha and Omega,

A similar question was asked more than a year ago by Suzanne YPA.;…

I have frequently seen people who make this claim as though it was God's Word but I'm sceptical. I noticed that quite recently Achtung added a comment to the question above giving a date but I'm still sceptical. I'm not a Jeopardy watcher but I am a Bible reader and have seen on many occasions that the NWT, imho, actually slanders God's Word. The proof of that is how God has repeatedly revealed the organization to be a source of false prophecy.

For His glory,

I believe Atchung Heiss stated that this was a false rumor. But, if Bambi claims to have seen it with her own eyes, I'll take her at her word. -- It's a shame that most JWs don't seem to grant non-JWs that same decency, but that is another topic. --

However, looking at the Kingdom Interlinear with my own eyes leads me to disagree with Alex Trebec's findings.
I personally do not believe that. There are many places in which the NWT has texts that were translated from the KJV, presenting a roman catholic understanding, refuted later on when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. For instance, Deu 32:8 quotes "....the sons of Israel" yet the scrolls quote "...the sons of elohin" in regard to the partition of the earth. The Dead Sea Scrolls are older than the texts used to translate our modern bibles.

Another thing about the NWT - and so many others that were crafted by a roman catholic point of view - is the Book of Enoch. Jesus and others quoted from this book, but the people who printed the NWT (and other versions) think they are more qualified than the Son of God to determine if this book is "true" or not...and obviously they decided against, and did not include it, producing a "canon" by which they determined - arbitrary - what is inspired or not by God, when the sxriptures say "all escripture is inspired by God".

These are just "two witnesses to solve a problem". There are more yet. The bottom line is simple: every 'organized' religious group produces understanding of the truth, but it is given to people like food chain restaurants do: sanitised, prepared to be digested, void of nutrition, so to speak. Do you believe that YHWH has only one group explaining His truth? Beside the israelites, there were no other individuals receiving God's understanding? How about Jethro? The 'eunoch'? The prostitute in Jerricoh? The three magii that visited Belem? Throughout the centuries, He has raised "stones" to speak out, and has given understanding to many 'non organised' groups.

During the dark ages, those who opposed rome and their ideas, they were not JW's, were they? They may have been "J.w's" - for everyone that speaks about Him becomes a "witness" for Him, but certainly they were not JW's.


  1. I have seen a video of the show about this. I once had in on an email and apparently deleted it. I wish I hadn't because I'm now looking for it, which is how I found this site. It's not a joke or a lie, that was what was on Jeopardy. The "question" was based on a book written by a guy who compared several different bible translations. I'm looking for it as well.

  2. Rarely do I miss an episode of Jeopardy. I saw and heard this clue and answer for myself concerning the accuracy of the New World Translation. I screamed for my husband to come in the living room. We both saw it. I am a proud Jehovah's Witness. He is not. It was on Jeopardy.

  3. The good news of the Kingdom will be preached to the whole inhabited Earth for a witness and then the end will come that's what Jesus said on the mound when the apostles ask what will be the signs of the conclusion of the system of things the last one was the good news of the Kingdom will be preached to the whole inhabited Earth for a witness I know in my heart God will make the truth as he wants it preached to the whole inhabited Earth and I know the end will come his time
